Monday, 31 July 2017

oxygen scavengers food packaging

 Buy best quality Oxygen Absorbers – SORBEAD INDIA

Our traditional scavengers are often used in food and pharmaceutical industry. Unlike food applications where the products having high water content, which is required to cause the oxygen absorption reaction. For that maintain their stability, most pharmaceuticals have to be kept in dry environments. With the iron procedure, oxygen existing in a package’s is absorbed when the iron reacts with the oxygen and moisture.
The method of oxidative dehydration is often carries undesirable side effects, use o-buster based scavengers providing the flexible packaging with adding this type of desiccant which have to requires no moisture and oxygen from package.
Oxygen scavengers packets are absorbs approximately three times its weight in oxygen and protect packaging products from mold, mildew, oxygen, moisture, loss of quality, test and color change. Using this FDA standardize O-Busters can help to keep packaging product for 5 to 10 years without any dangerous effects in food packets.
Today’s drug formulations and moisture free packaging choice offers to attract consumers. O2 absorbers are a unique and innovative product that manages oxygen and moisture absorb 0% from packaging, this ensures drug stability, and allows for longer than anticipated product shelf life, increasing product quality and its revenues. Selection of oxygen scavengers during the packaging

  • Oxygen scavengers are designed to easily insert into packaging bottles, cans and air tight containers.
  • When using o-busters, the packaging container make sure there is no leakage.
  • Packaging glass bottles should have a tight seal between bottle and its cap.
  • Packets must be designed to have low oxygen porousness.

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